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Neurodiversity Screening UCAS

Neurodiversity Screening
Blue silhouette of a human head and shoulders and a pixelated face of blue and white squares, surrounded by three arrows in blue, green and orange, forming a continuous circle with a graphic overlay that resembles fingerprints

Do you feel like you need extra support?

Have you been wondering why you come up against challenges and others don't, or questioning why you learn differently or struggle to cope?

If you haven't already heard about neurodiversity, it's a term to help us understand how and why we experience, learn, communicate or process information differently.

It's the umbrella that dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism, to name a few, all huddle under.

In general, we're either neurotypical or neurodiverse but the truth is, we all learn and experience the world in a way that is unique to us.

Do I have a learning disability? is no longer a valid question to ask. 

Do I learn differently? is.

Whether you have a specific learning or mental health need that has already been diagnosed or you’re not sure why you’re struggling, we have teamed up with Do-IT and UCAS to help you identify your challenges and find ways of working that work for you, by offering access to the Do-IT Neurodiversity Screener at a heavily discounted student rate.


What to expect

The Do-It questionnaire unlocks insights into your unique profile and identifies ways of working that lean into your strengths and minimise your challenges.

You answer multiple choice questions across four modules:

  • About Me
  • How I Learn
  • Neurodiversity Screener
  • My Wellbeing

You then receive:

  • Personalised Insights: Read about your areas of strength and the benefits of those strengths.
  • Practical Guidance: Your report is full of expert tips and advice that you can put into practise.
  • Structured Sections: Easily navigate your report, from identifying any neurodivergent traits, to reading about how they impact your behaviour and way of working or processing information.
  • Colour-Coded Clarity:  Clear and concise colour-coded charts that identify strengths and challenges.
  • Resource Library: Access to helpful resources.


So, if you feel like you're struggling in education, the Do-It Neurodiversity Profiler will provide reassurance and guidance in identifying your strengths and challenges, and suggest ways of working that don't work against you.

You can also then use your neurodiversity report to access additional support through your university. This additional support could be assistive technology, study skills or wellbeing mentoring.

We want you to enjoy your time at college or university, not struggle through it. We're here to help you access the support you need.



The neurodiversity assessment is not a medical diagnosis but it gives you your first insight, showing you any neurodiversity traits you may have and helping you to determine which diagnosis to pursue should you need one to access further support. 

For more personalised guidance, consider consulting with a professional or your family doctor.